Our Values
Integrity Beyond Reproach, Respect for People, Communities and Cultures, Commitment to Diversity, One Conservancy, Tangible, Lasting Results

Conservation Update
Impact Report & Finances
The world needs big, near-term conservation wins. Thanks to your support, TNC is making a difference.
How We Fundraise
Like most major non-profit organizations in Hong Kong and across the globe, TNC employs a variety of fundraising channels to ask for your support in accomplishing our mission — to protect the lands and waters on which all life depends. These fundraising channels include direct mail, face-to-face, special events, our website and social media.
Be a Part of the Change
The challenges facing our natural world have never been greater and the need for bold solutions has never been more urgent. Your generous support will put the best conservation science into action right now.

Strength In Numbers
We rely on diverse voices and dedicated supporters to achieve unparalleled results.
Grounded in Science
More than 400 scientists and 3,600 staff members around the world
Place Based
Conservation work in more than 70 countries and all 50 United States
A Strong Network of Support
More than 1 million dedicated members and a far-reaching alumni network of conservation leaders worldwide
A Lasting Legacy
Millions of acres protected, thousands of miles of rivers conserved, and 100+ marine projects worldwide